Examples of operations

Axis 1 - Employment

  • In-service vouchers to facilitate work & child care loads conciliation
  • ESF-funded activities operational Centre for end-users – (Struttura Multifunzionale Territoriale Ad Personam)
  • Training courses to improve key-competences for life-long learning, according to the Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council 2006/962/EC
  • Training courses to improve active job seeking
  • Training vouchers to support professional apprenticeship
  • Young Entrepreneur Project (YEP)
  • TLN-Mobility project
  • Income support schemes for former entrepreneurs and self-employed having stopped trading due to the COVID-19 emergency

Axis 2 - Social inclusion

  • In-service vouchers to facilitate work & child care loads conciliation for low-income workers
  • Actions to address the professional inclusion of disadvantaged workers
  • Training courses to bolster social economy
  • Post-graduate professional training courses in the field of social innovation
  • Voucher schemes for specialized training in the social field
  • Grants for the third sector to access consultancy aimed at the requalification and improvement of social care services
  • In-service vouchers for childcare during the COVID-19 emergency
  • Income support schemes for suspended workers due to the COVID-19 emergency
  • Coverage of unemployment benefits expenses due to COVID-19 (national expenses)
  • Support schemes for healthcare workers for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Axis 3 - Education and training

  • Strategic plan for trilingualism in Trentino (Piano Trentino Trilingue) – Approaching the German and English language from pre-school age
  • Strategic plan for trilingualism in Trentino (Piano Trentino Trilingue) – Improving the language skills of school and vocational school students (eg vouchers for summer courses abroad)
  • Strategic plan for trilingualism in Trentino (Piano Trentino Trilingue) - Improving the language skills of school teachers and educators (eg language training courses, vouchers for summer courses abroad)
  • Actions to support methodological competences and innovation in the education system in Trentino
  • Actions to reduce and prevent early school-leaving
  • Actions to improve linguistic and digital competences among the adult population in Trentino (MOVE – international mobility programmes, ICT – training courses abroad...)
  • Reinforcement of the learning outcomes validation and competence certification system at provincial level
  • Subsidies for the purchase of digital tools for the support of distance learning among secondary schools during the COVID-19 emergency

Axis 4 - Institutional and administrative capacity

  • Actions to improve competences of operators in the management of the ESF OP

Axis 5 - Technical assistance

  • Evaluation on the OP implementation    
  • Information and communication   
  • ICT system development, maintenance and assistance services  

Work-life balance for all: Best practice examples from EU Member States

Focus on the In-service vouchers of the Autonomous province of Trento at page 22

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